About Us

About Us

BrandWatch Technologies is based in Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. Our highly dedicated team is committed to delivering supply chain security solutions that fight counterfeiting and preserve brands all over the world. While our security products are second to none, our people are the key to our success. They’re at the heart of every customer and vendor relationship we maintain.
A scientist can create a product that can be used for brand security, but it takes a team of scientists, all passionate about providing an offering that is impossible to circumvent, to create an industry-leading solution.
Effective brand security solution providers must be able to deliver the exact same product, produced in the same way and delivered with a complete chain-of-custody in order to be effective.
Criminals will never stop trying to circumvent the security of the world’s brands. So we must never stop working to create ever more ingenious brand security solutions. We have built our company on this core value. 
Reputation is important in any industry, when it comes to brand security, it’s critical. Due diligence should be performed by anyone that supports their brand security program in any way. We look forward to these requests from potential partner who is serious about working with the very best team in the industry.
Service is an often used metric for corporate success, but few know how to accurately measure it. We measure our service levels by the success of our clients. We strive to make it effortless to work with our team without compromising the high standards that make our methods effective. 

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We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
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